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Игорь Ашурбейли объявил в Гонконге о запуске спутника
12:56 / 23 июня 2017
Российский учёный Игорь Ашурбейли, объявивший в прошлом году о создании первого космического государства Асгардия, рассказал о новых шагах. Игорь Ашурбейли выступил на пресс-конференции в Гонконге

Игорь Ашурбейли рассказал, что осенью 2017 года будет запущен первый спутник первого космического государства «Асгардия-1». Спутник станет краеугольным камнем присутствия Асгардии в космосе и будет хранить данные до полутора миллионов асгардианцев. Каждый из присоединившихся к новой нации получит возможность бесплатно загрузить на спутник до 300 кб своей информации.

Near Space Launch: NSL Builds NanoRacks Satellite for Asgardia
15:26 / 21 июня 2017
Grant County company NearSpace Launch Inc. is proud to announce we are manufacturing, via a contract with NanoRacks LLC, the satellite for the Asgardia-1 Mission which will launch in the fall of this year.

With over 200,000 citizens around the globe and a pending request for national status with the UN, Asgardia aims to be Earth’s first extraterrestrial nation. Asgardia partnered with NanoRacks, a leading provider of commercial access to low-Earth orbit, to manufacture and oversee the satellite mission that will enable Asgardia to make its debut in space.

NanoRacks selected NSL to build the satellite because of previous mission success, integrity, and quick turnaround time.

Журнал «ВКС» – спутник на пути к дальним планетам
20:08 / 20 июня 2017
Будущее человечества в космосе – за освоением дальних планет. Для поддержки глобальных научных и общественных идей, направленных на эти цели, создан один из информационных проектов Игоря Ашурбейли – журнал «Воздушно-космическая сфера». Второй номер журнала «ВКС»

Второй номер журнала «ВКС», вышедший из печати в 2017 году, посвящён перспективам изучения и освоения Луны и Марса.

Как долго нам ждать первого полёта к Марсу; нужно ли человеку лететь на планету с климатом, не пригодным для жизни; чем изучение Марса может быть полезно на Земле – своё мнение по этим вопросам высказывают учёные – участники проекта «ЭкзоМарс», а также космонавты и конструкторы. О том, какие шаги для освоения Красной планеты уже предпринимаются, читайте в материале «Этот враждебный Марс».

CNN: Asgardia - the world's first space nation
12:53 / 20 июня 2017
Hong Kong (CNN)Coming soon: a nation in space for humans.

Named after a Norse mythological city of the skies, Asgardia is open to all residents on planet earth and it doesn't cost anything to join.

Russian scientist Dr Igor Ashurbeyli announced his plans to form the world's first independent nation that operates in outer space in October 2016. Since then, hundreds of thousands of people have signed up to be citizens.

NBC news: Aspiring Space-Based Nation to Start with Baby Steps
12:41 / 20 июня 2017
The proposed space-based nation Asgardia will launch its first satellite this fall to store data for the nation's newly selected citizens.

While it plans to someday host a moon colony and space station, the proposed space-based nation Asgardia is starting small: The project will launch its first satellite this fall to store data forthe nation's newly selected citizens. Some 200,000 were chosen from the more than 500,000 applicants.

During a press conference in Hong Kong on June 13, Asgardia's founder, Igor Ashurbeyli, revealed concrete details about the satellite: Asgardia-1 will be deployed from Orbital ATK's Cygnus OA-8 resupply spacecraft launching in September.

Inverse: World’s First “Space Nation” Will Hold Its First Launch This Year
22:00 / 19 июня 2017
Russian scientist Igor Ashurbeyli wants to establish the first ever nation in outer space. So he started Asgardia — a proposal to build, launch, and turn the damn thing into reality. Should Ashurbeyli ever pull it off, Asgardia would be a platform in Earth’s orbit in which people could live and work, as well as a place to help establish the defense of Earth from meteorites, space debris, and perhaps even human weapons being operated by hostile human forces themselves.

Since announcingAsgardialast October, however, Ashurbeyli has barely provided any glimpse into what the heck this is actually supposed to look like. So it was a pleasant surprise to see Ashurbeyli announce Tuesday that Asgardia was opening up citizenship enrollment starting immediately, and making plans for its first satellite launch later this year.

That launch will fire up a small hard drive into orbit, which will contain the first 100,000 citizens’ personaldata.

New Atlas: First satellite for the "space nation" of Asgardia due for launch in August
21:52 / 19 июня 2017
Last year, some 200,000 people decided they don't want to live on this planet anymore, and registered to be citizens of the first "space nation," Asgardia. In the unlikely event that it ever gets off the ground, the extremely-ambitious project would see a system of satellites orbiting the Earth, carrying a country's worth of people. Now the self-appointed Head of Nation has outlined plans to launch the first of these satellites.

Since the call for would-be citizens was first put out in October, some 500,000 registrations were apparently received. As you'd expect from the kind of internet democracy responsible forBoaty McBoatface, the project was flooded with applications from bots and jokesters, and registrations were shut down and reopened with stricter protocols. Asgardia now boasts some 200,000 "serious" applicants, but it doesn't exactly bode well for a project where literally everything can go wrong.

Irish Examiner: Hundreds of thousands of people have applied to become citizens of Asgardia - the 'first nation in outer space'
21:40 / 19 июня 2017
Founders of the first off-world “space nation”, Asgardia, have been overwhelmed by the number of people who want to sign up as citizens.

After the creation of Asgardia was announced in Paris last October, more than 500,000 applications were received within the first 20 days, the team behind the project has revealed.

The numbers were so high it forced a change of the rules for those hoping to become part of the visionary plan to establish a new space nation with its own constitution and laws.

Asgardia switched to a stricter system that filtered out children registering without their parents’ permission, duplicate applications, people who refused to provide required information, and non-human internet “bots”.

Engadget: Virtual nation Asgardia will launch itself into space
21:32 / 19 июня 2017
Asgardia, also known as "The Space Nation," will launch a small satellite later this year. According to Asgardia's leader, Russian scientist Igor Ashurbeyli, the satellite will carry the nation's constitution, its flag and data stored by up to 1.5 million of its citizens.

But let's take a step back. What the hell is Asgardia? The nation, if you want to call it that, was officially announced on October 12th, 2016 -- or October 5th if you're an Asgardian. The nation has its own calendar with 13 months (the additional month is named Asgard) that are 28 days each, which actually makes much more sense than our own calendar.

Tech Radar: Self-proclaimed 'space nation' plans to launch tiny data centre into orbit
21:22 / 19 июня 2017
Carrying the hopes and dreams of 1,500,000 people

Ever wanted to jack all this Earth nonsense in and live in space instead? You're not alone. Over the last year or so, about 200,000 people have registered to become citizens of Asgardia, a self-proclaimed 'space nation'.

The scheme is the brainchild ofIgor Ashurbeyli, a Russian businessman and scientist who seems to have both money and time on his hands.

New Scientist: Orbiting ‘space nation’ data centre could avoid all Earthly laws
21:16 / 19 июня 2017
IN SPACE, no one can hear you stream. Self-styled “space nation” Asgardia is planning to put a data centre in orbit, beyond the reach of Earthly laws, but lawyers say that leaving the planet isn’t enough to get around them. As more organisations seek to exploit space in this way, it’s time we decide how to govern the final frontier.

Asgardiaannounced itself last yearas a space-based nation, independent of countries on Earth, and has since convinced 180,000 people to become citizens by filling out an online form. Now it is planning its

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Observer: The Quest to Build the First Sovereign Nation in Space
20:46 / 19 июня 2017
In October of last year, an international group of scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs gathered in Paris to announce the creation of what they believe will be the first sovereign nation in space: Asgardia. Today, in Hong Kong, that consortium has taken another step toward that vision by releasing their plans to launch the Asgardia-1 satellite.

As the nation’s inaugural spacecraft, it will house their “constitution, flag and other symbols of nationhood and will contain data stored for free by up to 1.5 million Asgardians.”The Asgardia-1 satellite will be built by theNearSpace Launch Inc.and launched by an Orbital ATK Antares rocket from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. It will be placed 450-500 Kilometers above Earth.

The Asgardia-1 will launch this fall and will “mark the start of a New Space Age, sixty years after the first ever artificial satellite, Sputnik 1 orbited the earth.” Led byDr Igor Ashurbeyli, who is touted by the group as one of the world’s most distinguished rocket scientists, Asgardia hopes to advance the democratization of space.

Cnet: Space nation Asgardia ready to launch itself into orbit
20:37 / 19 июня 2017
Asgardia, a virtual nation online, wants to load all its data on a small satellite and launch it to a permanent home in orbit around the Earth.

Asgardia, the self-styled "first nation in space"that so far exists more online and in the minds of its creators than in any physical place, may soon have its first bit of actual territory.

On Tuesday, Asgardia's leader and current one-man government, the Russian nanoscientist Igor Ashurbeyli, announced plans to launch the small satellite Asgardia-1 later this year. The satellite and the information it carries -- including Asgardia's constitution and flag and data stored for free by up to 1.5 million "Asgardians" -- will comprise the totality of the nation.

This is, essentially, a legal, technological and philosophical experiment that declares an orbiting server to be a sovereign country.

"Asgardia-1 will mark the beginning of a new space era, taking our citizens into space in virtual form, at first," Ashurbeyli said in a statement.

В Группе компаний «Социум» создан уникальный сплав
14:28 / 13 июня 2017
Корпоративные награды, оркестр и праздничное настроение стали символами конференции руководящего состава и представителей предприятий холдинга «Социум», проводимой уже по традиции 10 июня, в день рождения Группы компаний, основанной Игорем Ашурбейли. III конференция руководителей холдинга «Социум»

У приятных событий серьёзная экономическая база. «Социум» наращивает показатели по многим направлениям. Увеличивается штат предприятий, повышается квалификация сотрудников, прибавка зарплаты опережает инфляцию.

Как отметилРуслан Ашурбейли, генеральный директор «СОЦИУМ-А», управляющей компании холдинга: «Укрепляются связи как с внешними партнёрами, так и внутри коллектива.

Святейший Патриарх Кирилл возглавил торжественное заседание по случаю 135-летия Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества
14:53 / 5 июня 2017
2 июня 2017 года в Зале Церковных Соборов Храма Христа Спасителя в Москве состоялись IV отчётно-выборная Конференция Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества и торжественное заседание в честь 135-летия этой старейшей Международной общественной организации. В Храме Христа Спасителя прошла IV отчётно-выборная Конференция Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества, приуроченная к 135-летию ИППО

В торжественном заседании принял участие Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл, возглавляющий Комитет почётных членов Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества.

В президиуме заседания также присутствовали: Патриарший наместник Московской епархиимитрополит Крутицкий и Коломенский Ювеналий, министр культуры Российской ФедерацииВ. Р.Мединский,Председатель Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества С.