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12:31 / 29 июня 2017
The Sun: OUT OF SPACE? World’s first ‘space nation’ Asgardia overwhelmed as 500,000 people try to become citizens
12:31 / 29 июня 2017
Half a million people sign up to become members of a new 'country' based in outer space

Founders of the first off-world “space nation”, Asgardia, have been overwhelmed by the number of people who want to sign up as citizens.

After the creation of Asgardia was announced in Paris last October, more than 500,000 applications were received within the first 20 days, the team behind the project has revealed.

A rather optimistic artist’s impression of how Asgardia could look if it ever gets off the ground

A rather optimistic artist’s impression of how Asgardia could look if it ever gets off the ground

It will be a long time before Asgardia looks like this

It will be a long time before Asgardia looks like this

The numbers were so high it forced a change of the rules for those hoping to become part of the visionary plan to establish a new space nation with its own constitution and laws.

Asgardia switched to a stricter system that filtered out children registering without their parents’ permission, duplicate applications, people who refused to provide the required information, and non-human internet “bots”.

The group, the brainchild of billionaire Russian computer scientist Dr Igor Ashurbeyli, now has almost 200,000 verified citizens from around 200 countries, who have each received a Certificate of Asgardia.

Asgardia will have its own flag and set of laws

Asgardia will have its own flag and set of laws

In September, Asgardia will send its “foundation stone” into orbit. The micro-satellite, Asgardia-1, will carry personal data freely uploaded by up to 1.5 million Asgardians.

The launch, 60 years after the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, was sent into orbit, will mark the first small step in a programme to establish an independent space-based country recognised by the United Nations.

Dr Ashurbeyli said: “Asgardia-1 will mark the beginning of a new space era, taking our citizens into space in virtual form, at first.

“Asgardia-1 will contain data stored for free for up to 1.5 million Asgardians on board the satellite. These are historic days, and your names and data will forever stay in the memory of the new space humanity, as they will be reinstalled on every new Asgardia satellite we launch.

Another artist’s impression of how Asgardians could live in space

Another artist’s impression of how Asgardians could live in space

thesun.co.uk, by Jasper Hamill

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