Ученый, предприниматель, общественный деятель, благотворитель
16:37 / 30 июня 2017
UNESCO and Asgardia International Non-Governmental Research Society on Space establish cooperation on Space Science
16:37 / 30 июня 2017
On 29 June, UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, and Mr Igor Ashurbeyli, President of the Asgardia International Non-Governmental Research Society on Space (IUFV), signed an agreement to foster high-quality research and education by rewarding individuals and institutions for their outstanding contributions to the development of space science and the expansion and dissemination of knowledge about space.

“I believe such agreements are important, because they shine light and they raise awareness about outstanding work in fields that matter for the development of all humanity,” said Irina Bokova. “I am confident that this Agreement on Space Science will provide a powerful new platform to promote the creation and sharing of knowledge in a field that cuts across many others, and touches on many aspects of UNESCO’s work in the sciences.”

Mr Alexander Kuznetsov, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Russian Federation to UNESCO, Ms Eleonora Mitrofanova, Former Permanent Delegate of the Russian Federation to UNESCO, and representatives of several space institutes and universities attended the signing ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.  


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