Ученый, предприниматель, общественный деятель, благотворитель
21:16 / 19 июня 2017
New Scientist: Orbiting ‘space nation’ data centre could avoid all Earthly laws
21:16 / 19 июня 2017
IN SPACE, no one can hear you stream. Self-styled “space nation” Asgardia is planning to put a data centre in orbit, beyond the reach of Earthly laws, but lawyers say that leaving the planet isn’t enough to get around them. As more organisations seek to exploit space in this way, it’s time we decide how to govern the final frontier.

The new Wild West? NASA

The new Wild West? NASA

Asgardia announced itself last year as a space-based nation, independent of countries on Earth, and has since convinced 180,000 people to become citizens by filling out an online form. Now it is planning its

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